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Why Do Women Tolerate Bad, Boring Sex?

Why do some women accept without complaint that their male partner isn’t providing sexual satisfaction.

“Women might be having sex for a dozen different reasons, only one of which might be that it feels good and is satisfying,” Derogatis told LiveScience. “It’s a path to intimacy, it’s a path to fulfilling a role of the woman or wife, it’s a means to keeping her partner happy, and on and on.

Naked Truth: Why Women Shrug Off Lousy Sex

Fulfilling a role, making the other person happy don’t seem the wisest of reasons.

I think many women eventually come to resent this. Some have a “mid-life crisis” that leaves them almost or actually loathing the man they’ve lived with for years.

How do the feelings of gay women compare to heterosexual women? Are they as likely to accept low quality sexual relations for as many years as heterosexual females?

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